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Line information for AVV line 722


  • Which tourist information points are located along the Bus line

    in Eupen?

    Along the Bus line 722 you will find a number of tourist information points that are worth visiting. There is something to see at the following stations:
  • What historical landmarks can be found along the Bus line

    in Eupen?

    Along the Bus line 722 you will find a number of historical sights that are worth a visit. There is something to see at the following stations:
  • Which streets are along the stations of the Bus line

    in Eupen?

    The following streets can be found when getting off at a station along the Bus line 722 in Eupen:
  • Which end stations does the Bus line have

    in Eupen?

    The AVV-AACHEN Bus Line 722 starts at the station Eupen Bushof in direction Raeren Eynatten Grossenbusch and ends at the station Bushof, Aachen. The journey time along the 43 stations is approximately 45 minutes