
Departures & arrivals, timetables, tickets

Find the best bus and train connections for your trip


with Deutschland-Ticket

DB timetable, Flixbus and public transport timetables, stops, train and bus connections

Best connections

Find the fastest and cheapest connections to get to your destination in comfort.

Cheapest prices

Always find the best prices for long-distance, regional and international travel.

Local & long-distance transport

Here you will find all transport associations as well as Deutsche Bahn, Flixbus, Flixtrain and many more.

#1 D-Ticket travel search

Do you have a Deutschland-Ticket? Here you'll find the best free and reduced connections.

Deutschland-Ticket: Travel across Germany for 49 euro

Get the Deutschland-Ticket for only 49 euros a month and travel unlimited on local public transport throughout Germany.

All means of transport on fahrplan.guru

On fahrplan.guru you will always find the right departure time


On fahrplan.guru you will find all subway stations and subway connections of all local subway networks in Germany. Whether on the way to work or for a coffee with friends, with fahrplan.guru you always get on the right subway.


On fahrplan.guru you can easily find all S-Bahn stations and S-Bahn connections in Germany for you to always arrive at your destination on time.


On fahrplan.guru you will find all bus stations and bus connections in Germany at a glance. Searching the websites of municipal transport companies for departure times is a thing of the past. fahrplan.guru is quick, easy and comprehensive.


On fahrplan.guru you will find all tram stations and tram connections in Germany. No matter where you are, whether in a small town or a big city, fahrplan.guru always tells you when and where the next tram is leaving.

Regional train

On fahrplan.guru you always find the current timetables for all regional trains in Germany. Whether you are traveling in Bavaria or in North Rhine-Westphalia, fahrplan.guru informs you about all arrival and departure times of regional trains.

Long-distance traffic

On fahrplan.guru you can quickly and clearly find all train stations and the corresponding connections of long-distance traffic in Germany. So that you always arrive at your destination on time.


Stations in the largest cities in Germany

On fahrplan.guru you can find all stations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland at a glance.

Stations and timetable information for federal states in Germany

On fahrplan.guru you will always find the correct departure and arrival times for buses and trains for all federal states.

Stations and timetable information for Europe

On fahrplan.guru you will always find the right departure and arrival time, no matter where you are.

Find the cheapest tickets to the most beautiful cities in Germany

On fahrplan.guru you find all train and bus connections to travel comfortably and cheaply to any city in Germany, Austria or Switzerland.

Find the cheapest way to travel from the airport to the city.

On fahrplan.guru you find all connections to travel cheaply by bus or train (S-Bahn or U-Bahn) from the airport to the city.

Where is the nearest station?

What's the fastest way to get from A to B? When does my train leave according to the timetable? Is my train late or are there any timetable changes? fahrplan.guru offers you information about all timetables and stations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. As a traveller, you can use fahrplan.guru to check timetables for a bus line, tram, S-Bahn (S-train), U-Bahn (metro), departure times of regional or long-distance trains, or current delays and disruptions on your desired connection.

When does the train or bus leave?

Timetables, connections and departure times for public transport can be found at a glance on fahrplan.guru. Long searches on local city portals or the websites of local and regional transport schemes are a thing of the past.On fahrplan.guru you can easily get your timetable in two steps. Simply enter station and departure time and the relevant timetables will be displayed. And if you don't know which is the nearest train, bus, S-Bahn, U-Bahn or tram station, you can find this information in no time on fahrplan.guru. On fahrplan.guru the station you are looking for is only one click away, regardless of whether you are in Munich, Gütersloh or Frankfurt.